Innovation for local results coming soon
Vineland brings innovative technologies, fruits and vegetables to the Ontario and Canadian markets by actively “shopping the world” for interesting varieties and technologies, commercializing results from its own breeding activities and taping into its far-reaching network of international breeding programs.
“We prospect for the new, seeking out possibilities that would be specifically well-suited to the Canadian context and bring our discoveries back to Vineland for testing and evaluation,” said Phillip Stephan, Vineland’s Vice President of Business and Client Development. “At the same time, we take on the role of commercialization broker for institutions seeking our support including Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) and the University of Guelph. We have the specialized ability to identify varieties with exciting potential and develop compelling and licensable data packages for them to bring to market in Canada and internationally.”
Some highlights from Vineland’s innovation pipeline include:
Tender fruit
- Vineland is the exclusive commercialization partner of an early ripening sweet cherry variety developed by the University of Guelph and tasked with its promotion
- Vineland has taken on a similar role for the new pear variety happi developed by AAFC and now in the commercialization process with a North American partner
- A new peach variety bred by the University of Guelph with ripe fruit at least seven days before the current earliest Ontario peach is expected in grocery stores this year
- Jupiter is a new seedless table grape with a later harvest window which will be available in grocery stores for the Canadian Thanksgiving. Several table grape selections from U.S. and European breeding programs have also been planted at Vineland for evaluation.
- Vineland’s 49th Parallel Collection of bred-in-Canada garden and landscape roses is releasing Aurora Borealis™ this year and Yukon Sun™, the first yellow rose in the collection, in 2023. More information can be found at
- Vineland is also licensing several selections to join reputable collections managed by other organizations with trials currently underway in Europe and the United States
Vineland’s automation team continues to work on finding solutions for automating fruit and vegetable production to ensure domestic food security while reducing risk and improving efficiencies in the horticulture sector.
If you are looking for opportunities to work with us, you can find more information on our technology licensing and research services at