Category Archives: In The News

Sweet potato slip production in Canadian greenhouses

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New plants energize Canadian landscapes

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New study finds healthy trees depend on healthy roots

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Innovation in crop protection, from bees to robots

When it comes to innovation, the horticulture industry is willing to look both forward and backward for novel solutions to new challenges. Darren Ward from Vineland is studying robotics’ horticultural expansion and believes that robotics are only scratching the surface of what they will ultimately do from a horticultural perspective.

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What’s behind the new apples hitting supermarket shelves?

Less than half of all apples sold in Ontario are grown in the province and Vineland Research and Innovation Centre in the Niagara Region is looking to capitalize on the public’s changing tastes.

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Meet the new thrips on the block

Greenhouses aren’t just dealing with Western flower thrips anymore. Here’s how you can tell your thrips apart. 

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How automated cucumber harvesting is becoming a reality

With help from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada funding, Vineland’s robotics and automation team is working to develop an autonomous robot capable of harvesting cucumbers in a greenhouse environment.

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A wealth of knowledge at industry’s fingertips

Vineland Research and Innovation Centre’s Consumer Insights program is offering its expertise to local business or organizations seeking help on new product lines or other product details. 

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AI’s product development potential

AI can help companies tap into the more nuanced reasons people gravitate to particular products, says Amy Bowen. She’s the research director of Vineland Research and Innovation Centre’s Consumer Insights team.

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Getting smart about greenhouse irrigation

For Canada’s greenhouse operators, crop irrigation and finding experienced growers to manage it, are among their greatest challenges. To overcome this hurdle, Vineland’s robotics and automation team together with their European partner, LetsGrow, have been busy developing technologies to help greenhouse operators optimize how and when to water plants.

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The Landscape Ontario podcast – Darby McGrath

Ontario Tree Guide co-author Darby McGrath joins the podcast to discuss what’s new in the updates guide.

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How Canada is taking greenhouse research to the next level

Vineland released this month its 2019-2020 Vineland Innovation Report, which highlights some of the major areas of research taking place.

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